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Aimee Murphy, author

Books | White Papers | Articles | Poetry

A Vision to Secure Human Rights for All

nonfiction book | New City Press | July 2022

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Rehumanize: A Vision to Secure Human Rights for All book, laying open, with the front and back cover face up.


short prose | Create Encounter submission | February 2021

A brief piece of stream-of-consciousness prose on the subject of trauma, personal healing, and embryo adoption.

Read the whole piece here.


Torture Behind Bars: Coerced Sterilization in Prisons article series

articles | Rehumanize blog & Life Matters Journal | August 2018 & September 2020

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Restore the Heart: Healing the Communal Trauma of Abortion through a Restorative Justice System

white paper | co-authored with Catherine Glenn Foster | January 2020

This white paper created by Rehumanize International and Americans United for Life aims to inform lawmakers, influencers, judicial leaders, and our society about the need for a system of Restorative Justice to be enacted in union with efforts to end abortion.

Read the full document here.

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Twilight Orphan

poem | Strange Enchantments, Pittsburgh, PA | June 2019

A short poem in iambic hexameter, exploring the tension of existing as part of two seemingly-opposed groups in our horrific modern culture war.

Read the full text here.


Do No Harm: Addressing the Medicalization of Violence and the Need for Human-Centered Healthcare

white paper | co-authored with Odiraa Okala & Herb Geraghty | October 2018

This white paper created by Rehumanize International aims to inform lawmakers, influencers, judicial leaders, and our society about the ingrained violence within our medical system, and suggests brief suggestions for undoing these practices.

Read the full document here.

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A Consistent Life: The Young Advocate's Guide to Living Peace & Justice Daily

weekly social justice planner | co-authored with Mary Grace Coltharp | September 2018

This holistic guide offers activists young and old ways to support the marginalized and rehumanize the dehumanized. In working for peace and justice daily, readers will participate actively in education, discourse, and action to uphold the inherent dignity of the preborn, the elderly and disabled, the incarcerated, and those at risk from policy brutality, racism, poverty, human trafficking, and war. Activities include direct service to those at risk from violence, advocating for human-centered public policy, raising awareness, and perhaps most importantly: celebrating life.

Buy your copy here.

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Response to Symposium: "Whole Life vs. Pro-Life?"

symposium article | Human Life Review | August 2017

The editors at Human Life Review asked participants to respond to the following questions: 1) Should people who defend the right to life of the unborn and the dying call themselves “whole-life” or “consistent-life” rather than “pro-life”? 2) Does defending the right to life today require particular political commitments? 3) Is the “whole life” movement really a newly fashioned “seamless garment”—Cardinal Bernardin’s “linkage” movement of 1983?

Read my full article response here.


I’m an anti-abortion feminist—I’ll walk at the Women’s March, whether organizers like it or not

op-ed article | The Washington Post | January 2017

An opinion editorial that covers our exclusion from the pro-abortion Women's March. The original title was "Not Welcome Unless You're Wanted: Pro-Life Feminists Fight Against Discrimination at Women's March" — title was changed by the publication.

Read the full piece here.

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Toward the Abolition of Strategic Nuclear Weapons: A Just War Analysis of Total War

white paper | co-authored with John Whitehead & Jason Jones | August 2016

This white paper created by Rehumanize International in partnership with Consistent Life and I Am Whole Life aims to inform lawmakers, influencers, judicial leaders, and our society about the injustice of nuclear weapons from a Just War Theory perspective.

Read the full document here.

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poem | Life Matters Journal | December 2011

A short free-verse piece on dehumanizing language.

Read the full piece here.

Birthday Presents

©2022 by Aimee Murphy. Created with

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