"Let your whole life be a creative testimony to the inherent dignity of human life."

Here you'll find my creative endeavors
and passion projects that aim to consistently
speak authentic peace, love, and dignity into
the lives of my fellow humans.
Enjoy browsing, and get in touch with any questions.
read my newest book, out July 2022!

A Vision to Secure Human Rights for All
Who deserves human rights? The answer to this question is the crux of all moral and political action in society, and defines our character as individuals and as nations. Aimee Murphy seeks to answer this vital question in this accessible and succinct handbook on the Consistent Life Ethic, a moral philosophy whose central principle is that each and every human being has inherent dignity from conception to natural death, and therefore deserves to live free from violence. Rehumanize: A Vision to Secure Human Rights for All includes a digestible yet systematic analysis of the history, ethics, and public policy surrounding modern issues of dehumanization, and casts a rehumanizing vision of a world beyond violence. Beyond the confines of political parties or religious exclusion, the founder of Rehumanize International communicates an aspiration to an inclusive ideal of a consistent movement of every human standing for every human. Activists, scholars, and leaders young and old will find this resource an indispensable cornerstone for their outreach and advocacy for decades to come.
— Praise for Rehumanize: A Vision to Secure Human Rights for All —
Get in Touch
I'm primarily scheduling speaking engagements specifically for my book tour at this time. If you're interested in booking me for an event in 2023, or hosting me for an event during my August-December 2022 book tour, however, please do reach out!